Questions and Answers for Students
What is the CanTeen?
The CanTeen is a youth led drop-in teen center for youth in 8th – 12th grades; located in front of of CNS High School that is open Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays from 2pm – 7pm; Tuesdays & Thursdays from 2pm – 8pm on days when school is in session.
How do we get to and from the CanTeen?
Teens at the high school can walk over to the CanTeen after school. Teens from the North Syracuse Jr. High can take a shuttle up to the CanTeen at the end of school day. If you are coming from another school district you must have your own transportation to and from the CanTeen.
You may catch a late bus from the high school between 3:00 – 3:30 depending on where you live or get picked up by a parent, guardian, etc at the CanTeen before we close for the night.
What can we do at the CanTeen?
There are many things to do at the CanTeen! We have pool tables, a ping pong table, a media room with various video games, a half basketball court, numerous board and card games, and always plenty of food! We also offer community service opportunities and field trips.
What are the rules at the CanTeen?
We are an alcohol, drug, and smoke free environment (including vaping). In addition, the youth over time have established 3 main expectations:
1. Regarding PDA (public displays of affection), it makes people feel very uncomfortable & therefore this isn’t the place for it.
2. Clean up after yourself. You are free to cook ramen noodles or mac’n’cheese, however, it is expected that you will wash, dry, & put away any & all dishes that you use so that others may use them. This includes throwing away your garbage, wrappers, cup, etc.
3. The use of foul language (i.e. swearing) & talking negatively about others either to their face or behind their back is not acceptable. This is a place where teens want to come to get away from judgments & drama. Respect of people at the CanTeen & the center itself is a must!
Are there any leadership opportunities at the CanTeen?
Yes! We have a teen council that any participant can be involved with. Our teen council plans events, field trips, lock-ins, celebrations, meals, and most things that go on at the CanTeen. The council needs different groups of teens to be in charge of the various things.
Is the CanTeen open year round?
No. We are not open if school is not in session (i.e. snow days, vacation days, etc). During the summer we spend our time going on various field trips.
Can I still go to the CanTeen if I am no longer in school?
No, if you have graduated or left school for other reasons, you are no longer eligible to be a participant.
Questions and Answers for Parents
What is the CanTeen?
The CanTeen is a youth led drop-in teen center for youth in 8th – 12th grades; located in front of of CNS High School that is open Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays from 2pm – 7pm; Tuesdays & Thursdays from 2pm – 8pm when the North Syracuse School District is in session.
Does it cost anything to go to the CanTeen or on the field trips?
It does not cost anything for teens to come to the CanTeen & they are welcome as often as they choose to come. With any of our field trips, there is a small charge ranging from $5 – $50 depending if it’s a day trip or a few days at the ocean. However, if your family qualifies for free or reduced lunch, you may contact us for assistance with this fee.
What can teens do at the CanTeen?
It is important for parents to know that because the CanTeen is a drop-in teen center, focusing on helping adolescents learn life skills, personal responsibility, & independence, they are allowed to walk up to McDonald’s, the Dollar Store, workout at the high school if they have that arranged, etc. Our staff makes it very clear to the youth that if they have parents that don’t want them doing this, then that is their responsibility. You may call the center any time to see if your child is here. While at the CanTeen, there are many things to do!! We have pool tables, a ping pong table, a media room with various video games, a half basketball court, numerous board and card games, and always plenty of food! We also offer community service opportunities and field trips. We also offer a dinner on Tuesdays & Thursdays.
Is the CanTeen open year round?
No. We are not open if school is not in session (i.e. snow days, vacation days, etc). During the summer we spend our time going on various field trips.
What are the rules at the CanTeen?
We are an alcohol, drug, and smoke free environment (including vaping). In addition, the youth over time have established 3 main expectations:
1. Regarding PDA (public displays of affection), it makes people feel very uncomfortable & therefore this isn’t the place for it.
2. Clean up after oneself. Teens are free to cook ramen noodles or mac’n’cheese, however, it is expected that they will wash, dry, & put away any & all dishes that they use so that others may use them. This includes throwing away your garbage, wrappers, cups, etc.
3. The use of foul language (i.e. swearing) & talking negatively about others either to their face or behind their back is not acceptable. This is a place where teens want to come to get away from judgments & drama. Respect of people at the CanTeen & the center itself is a must!
What transportation to/from the CanTeen is available for my teen?
The students at CNS are able to walk over to the CanTeen after school. The students from the NSJH can take a bus up to the CanTeen after school, even if they need to stay after a late bus is available. To get home, teens can catch late buses at CNS between 3:00-3:30 depending on what area they live in which is listed at CNS. Also teens are welcome to stay up until our closing times to get a ride home.
How often can my teen go to the CanTeen?
Participants can come as often as they choose as long as they are following our expectations, are currently enrolled in school, not on a disciplinary leave from school. They also can just attend field trips.
Will my teen be safe at the CanTeen?
While at the CanTeen, teens are supervised by 3 staff members. We also have college interns and community volunteers who come to the CanTeen to engage with the teens during the week. The staff oversee & engage with the teens continuously when the center is open.
If my teen is struggling with something, will they have someone to talk to?
Yes, the staff is available to help teens navigate any challenges & we also have many connections in the community & at the schools to make referrals if more professional help is needed.
Questions and Answers for Supporters
Can my business or organization partner with The CanTeen to sponsor an event?
Yes! The support of local business and communities is critical to the success of programs like The CanTeen. We have various sponsorship opportunities throughout the year. For more information please contact The CanTeen!
Documents and Forms
Corning Museum of Glass
Enjoy a day learning about how glass is made, seeing the all-net concept car, watching how hand-blown glass is made, & more.
Green Lakes State Park
Enjoy a day hanging out at one of our local state parks and beach. We will also be able to rent kayaks.
Howe Caverns
Enjoy an underground tour of the amazing Howe Caverns!
New York State Fair
Enjoy Youth Day at the NY State Fair!
White Water Rafting
A white water rafting adventure and BBQ on Black river in Watertown.
Wildwood Crest, New Jersey
Wildwood Crest is a great experience! There is plenty to do at the hotel, on the boardwalk, and at the beach.
Celebrating 20 Years of Building Relationships!
The CanTeen
6046 State Route 31
Cicero, NY 13039
Phone: 315-699-1391
Fax: 315-699-3340
Not just a program...'s a relationship!
After School Hours:
Monday: 2:00 - 7:00 pm
Tuesday: 2:00 - 8:00 pm
Wednesday: 2:00 - 7:00 pm
Thursday: 2:00 - 8:00 pm
Friday: 2:00 - 7:00 pm