By CeCilia (CeCe)

The type of relationships I’ve built with so many people because of the CanTeen are so strong and unbreakable. I know I’ll have lifelong friends because of the CanTeen.

By Joseph R.

It’s helped me make a lot of friends and give me a place to hang out. I’ve also developed close relationships with the staff, they are really nice.

By Derrick

I’ve sought mental help since I’ve been at the CanTeen. Of course, I still need a lot more help, but I think the connection made is a good gateway to a better life.

By Alicia

I’ve got to meet new people, made many friendships for example Derrick. Also, I’ve gotten closer with some staff like Amy & Yazeem

By Natalie

Adult relationships grew ever since I started coming to the CanTeen and I was able to connect to everyone no matter race, identity, sexuality, etc.