By Joe

Since coming to the CanTeen, I have developed relationships with many different peers. I like the CanTeen because it is an escape from school and home. The CanTeen is my home away from home.

By Dallis

The relationships I’ve built at the CanTeen vary from love relationships to friendships. I would give anything to keep the relationships that I’ve made at the CanTeen. I really hope for these relationships continue over many more years. But most relationships I’ve...

By Nick

I have built a relationship with my girlfriend and some new friends. I am glad about this too.

By Collin Abbott

I’ve built stronger relationships here with my closer friends, and I’ve built more relationships with people I didn’t even know before coming here.

By Samantha

I have built up friendships and created new ones. I have gotten to know Amy and Toni pretty well. They helped me open up and become less shy. They helped me to know I matter, and how to be comfortable being me. I’m glad we have the privilege to have something as great...