By Ally

The types of relationships I’ve made here are long lasting and built a foundation of bonding and things we have in common with each other.

By Hailey H.

Since coming to the CanTeen I have built healthy, positive and trustworthy relationships. I have also gained many peer’s respect that I normally wouldn’t have received outside of the classroom.

By Audrey Gangloff

The things that I remember most from the CanTeen is the Christmas gift wrapping that the Optimist Club did with the CanTeen kids. It was a great experience and a wonderful way to get to know some of the kids – lots of fun for a great cause! Also, the dinner we had at...

By Adrianna Ramirez

I would just like to share how the CanTeen was to me in high school and the friends I have made. My parents and I still talk about how I used to be shy. One main reason that changed for me was the friendships, opportunities and the self-esteem I gained from...

By Michelle Price

The CanTeen has affected my life. Here’s how: I made friends It keeps me out of trouble I have fun It brought me closer to my parents My parents approve of the Canteen because my grades have been improving ever since. My average went from a D+ to a B+. My parents are...